Hair Transplant in Gurgaon

What is a Hair transplant?
Hair transplant in Gurgaon is a surgical procedure for restoring lost hair. It was started in the 1930s by Japanese surgeons and since then the procedure has undergone many advancements such that the results that we get nowadays are very natural and without any complications. The procedure involves taking hair follicles from the occipital area of the scalp, beard, or from the body and implanting them in the bald areas. The transplanted hair follicles grow into adult hair by 6-12 months.

Consult Dr Noopur Jain at Skinzest for hair transplant in Gurgaon. It is a surgical procedure for restoring lost hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant in Gurgaon

Follicular Unit Extraction is an advanced technique for hair transplant and is currently the most commonly done hair restoration surgery worldwide. FUE Hair Transplant in Gurgaon is also quite popular. In this, each follicle of hair from the donor area is individually picked using small cuts and then implanted in the donor area. As compared to the older technique of Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) or the strip technique this surgery is less invasive. In FUT the entire strip of scalp containing the follicles used to be removed but in FUE no stitches are required. Thus, FUE has a fast recovery, less pain, and fewer complications.


  • • Minimally invasive
    • Stitchless
    • Less painful for the patient
    • Recovery is quicker


  • • Requires expertise
    • More expensive

Follicular Unit Extraction Procedure

Donor area:
Usually, the back of the scalp or the occipital area is chosen as the donor area because the hair follicles present here are permanent and not affected by testosterone which leads to patterned hair loss. Small, cylindrical cuts are made within the skin to separate the follicular units from the surrounding areas. Then the hair follicle unit is pulled out with the help of specialized instruments leaving a tiny hole in the skin which heals on its own by 5-7 days.
The extracted hair follicle units are then stored in special solutions before being transplanted into the recipient or the bald areas of the scalp.

Recipient area:
The recipient area is cleansed thoroughly before creating tiny holes using a small needle. The extracted follicular units are then transplanted into these holes using specialized instruments. The process is repeated until the whole of the bald area is covered by a sufficient number of grafts.

Before Surgery

• You will be advised to get some basic lab tests done before your surgery.
• Inform your doctor if you are on any medications such as blood thinners or antihypertensives.
• Inform your doctor about medical history and any preexisting medical conditions.
• Avoid shaving or cutting your hair in the donor area.
• One week before your surgery stop taking multivitamins, anti-inflammatory medications and avoid consuming green tea.
• Avoid smoking.

On the day of FUE

• Clean your scalp properly with shampoo and avoid using any hair gel or hair spray.
• Have a light meal. Avoid heavy food and caffeine.

Precautionary measures after FUE

The following are the precautionary measures suggested by Dr. Noopur Jain (a renowned Hair Transplant Surgeon in Gurgaon) after FUE:
• Sleep with head elevation for about 3 days post-surgery
• Avoid alcohol and smoking
• Avoid dusty or dirty environments for about 7 days post-surgery
• Use a gentle shampoo for 7 days
• Avoid haircut for 3 weeks after surgery
• Avoid sun exposure over the treated area for a month
• No hair color for a month

How long does it take for new hair to grow after FUE Hair Transplant in Gurgaon?

Newly transplanted hair usually takes about 10 weeks to grow and gets long enough to be groomed in about 6 months. Full results take about 12 months to show.

To know more about Hair Transplant in Gurgaon, please feel free to contact us.

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